Mon Feb 10 2025...

P r o u d l y

Made in the U.S.A.




The government has enacted strict regulations when it comes to transporting hazardous products and the regulations are always changing. Consult this section often to get the most relevant and recent information regarding the transportation of all inks and chemical products. •  DOT's Office of Hazardous Material Safety-Hazard Classes •  Exceptions •  Regulations for Domestic Shipments •  Regulations for Air Shipments •  Regulations for Water Shipments •  Canadian Regulations for Transportation of Dangerous Goods •  Hazmat Training •  CHEMTREC® •  CANUTEC •  Hazardous Material Transportation-subsidiary risk labels



DOT's Office of Hazardous Material Safety-Hazard Classes


The Department of Transportation has clearly defined regulations regarding the shipment of any hazardous material by ground, air, or water. Hazardous material is separated into nine hazard classes. The most common classes associated with Ink and chemical products are: • Class 3 Flammable Liquids • Class 5 Oxidizing Substances • Class 6 Toxic Substances • Class 8 Corrosive Substances Visit for the latest issues regarding shipping, including the newly adopted rules on subsidiary risk labels.





When shipping hazardous materials, the carrier (e.g. UPS) may apply an additional charge. Exceptions are available and can be used to avoid these additional charges. Whenever possible, CIC uses available exceptions to reduce or eliminate the additional charges.  




Regulations for Domestic Shipments


Department of Transportation (DOT) 49 CFR Parts 100 to 185 regulates all ground, air and water shipments in the US.  




Regulations for Air Shipments


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulates all air shipments in the US and internationally. Another organization to be familiar with is the International Air Transport Association. IATA is a private organization that publishes a set of regulations on transporting hazardous materials by air. These regulations contain additional air carrier requirements.



Regulations for Water Shipments


All international shipping by water is regulated by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. International Maritime Organization.  




Hazmat Training


All CIC personnel that prepare hazardous materials for shipment are thoroughly trained in accordance with the latest shipping regulations. All other persons involved with the safe transportation of such materials should also be trained. Any hazardous materials must be properly classified, packaged, marked, and labeled, and the shipment must be documented. Hazmat Training.  




Hazardous Material Transportation-subsidiary risk labels


For the most current information about ICAO/IATA and DOT"S new rules for subsidiary risk labels, visit DOT's website at



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